Jan 2, 2012

What to wear at Immortal bar?

Bangkok. City of angels and sweaty finnish women. I arrived here early yesterday after a horrible flight squeezed into a too small seat for 10 hours in a plane full of germans. Next to me sat a big smelly boy which I could have dealt with until he fell asleep and begun a snoring concert. But I do have sharp elbows and also the screaming kid woke him up eventually.

Anyways, I cant express how happy I am to be here. And I got even more happy when Tanja arrived 5 hours after me.

The first impression of the locals was superb as I got tip from the taxi driver. In most of the countries they would have made funny hand movements and pretended they don't have enough change. My driver had only big change so he of course gave me back more than we had originally agreed on the price. That's suits me for sure!

Also today we got a bit lost trying to find a pier and a local man was telling us the way we should go. After a while he and his wife drove past us and decided to give us a lift coz we probably looked like we would anyways get lost again. They also had a nice Mercedes so why not. I hope I didn't leave a big stain of sweat in the seat.

Yesterday was mostly filled up with eating & drinking at Khao San area. I suppose I don't have to tell anyone how delicious the food is down here, amazing! And to get 2 portions & 2 drinks for 3 euros... Okay if the drinks would have been beers then for 5 euros. It's quite ridiculous that I pay for a glass of latte the same as for 2 plates of food in a food stall.

Mira, my dutch friend recommended Gekko bar which was the last one we visited and yes, it is full of europeans who are stuck in Asia and quite lost in many ways. Nice evening nevertheless.

We also had to admit that Chang beats Singha big time. Important research based on quantity.

Okay time to wake up Tanja who of course is taking a nap. Then lots of seafood before it's time to test a local metal bar called of course Immortal bar. I wonder how the logo looks like.


  1. ja ja die doofen Deutschen :).......war bei uns genauso.Zu viele alte Deutsche mit jungen Thaifrauen :( Mit der Mercedes fahrt hast Du ja schon Dein erstes kleines Abenteuer hinter Dir.
    Was macht das Wasser im Fluss ist es immer noch zu hoch. Und denk dran nicht in die Ping Pong Shows gehen :)
    Gruß Raupe

  2. Hyvää reissua tytöille! Ne mustat salmiakin näköset pussissa on sit koppakuoriaisia eikä salmiakkia!;) Terkuin, Saila

  3. Good times. I will soon also remind me of pleasures of Khao San road. Chang, cheap food, relaxed time... Oh yes.

    Btw. How was Immortal Bar when you tried it? Did it still exist? I thought it had already vanished as Immortal Bar since my first trips. Back then we missed a metal gig by hour or so, went inside and ended up in a hiphop evening. Quite controversial bar should I say. They had a poster of Immortal (band) though. The outdoor neon sign suggested some other kind of immortal stuff (a sign of a rastafarian).

    Well, have a nice trip!

    Otto (Helsinki)

  4. It has moved near to Victory monument, a pain in the ass to get there & to get back to Khao San after standing behind closed doors... I assume they had new years break or something. Looked nice though from the outside.
